
EPR User Spectrometers
(1) EMXmicro: X-band CW
(2) E580: X-/Q-band CW/pulsed
(3) E680: X-/W-band CW/Pulsed
Development Spectrometers
(4) E380: X-band pulsed/CW, home-built AWG in progress
(5) HF EPR Instruments, Inc., 130 GHz: D-band pulsed/CW
X-band CW EPR (Bruker EMXmicro)

• microwave frequency 9.1-9.9 GHz (0.32 cm-1, 39.6 µeV, λ = 32.6 mm)
• temperature 3-300 K
• field range 0-0.6 T
• resonators 1-4
X-/Q-band (AWG) pulsed/cw (Bruker E580)

Arbitrary Waveform Generator pulse formation, 1.6 GHz, 0.625 ns time step
At X-band, 1kW
• microwave frequency 9.1-9.9 GHz (0.32 cm-1, 39.6 µeV, λ = 32.6 mm)
• temperature 2–300 K
• magnetic field 0-1.55 T
• resonator 1-5 (rectangular cavity, dielectric ring, dielectric ring ENDOR, split-ring)
At Q-band, 140W
• microwave frequency 33-35 GHz (1.13 cm-1, 140 µeV, λ = 8.8 mm)
• temperature 3.8-300 K
• magnetic field 0-1.55 T
• resonators
X-/W-band (AWG) pulsed/cw (Bruker E680)

At X-band, 1.5 kW
• microwave frequency 9.1-9.9GHz (0.32 cm-1, 39.6 µeV, λ = 32.6 mm)
• temperature 2–300 K
• magnetic field 0-1.55 T
• resonator 1-5 (rectangular cavity, dielectric ring, dielectric ring ENDOR, split-ring)
At W-band, 200 mW
• microwave frequency ~ 94 GHz (3.14 cm-1, 389 µeV, λ = 3.2 mm)
• temperature 3.8-300 K
• magnetic field 0-6 T
• resonator 6
ITC503 temperature status cam

Some useful information about the resonators available and the tubes and filling heights is given below.
X-Band CW Resonators
1. (2x) X-band Super High Sensitivity Probehead (~10 GHz, 4 – 375 K)
• Max. Sample Access 10 mm
2. X-band EMX High Sensitivity Probehead (~10 GHz, 4 – 375 K)
• Max. Sample Access 10 mm
3. X-band Dual Mode Probehead (~10 GHz, 4 – 375 K)
• Max. Sample Access 10 mm
4. X-band Standard TE102 Probehead (~10 GHz, 4 – 375 K)
• Max. Sample Access 10 mm
X-band CW/Pulse Resonators
5. (2x) X-band Pulse-ENDOR Dielectric Resonator (EN 4118X-MD4-W1, ~9.7 GHz, 2-300K)
• Max. Sample Access 4 mm (use <3.8 mm tubes ONLY)
• Sample centre 55 mm (tube longer that this)
• Resonator length 13 mm (filling height)
• CW or pulse mode
• Optically transparent 200 nm – 5 μm
6. X-band Split-Ring Resonator (ER 4118X-MS2-W1, ~9.6 GHz, 2–323 K)
• Max. sample access 2 mm (use 1.6 mm tubes)
• Sample centre 39 mm (tube longer that this)
• Resonator length 6 mm (filling height)
• CW or pulse mode (tπ/2 = 16 ns, Pmw=18 dB)
7. (2x) X-band Split-Ring Resonator (ER 4118X-MS3(1x:)-W1, ~9.6 GHz, 2–323 K)
• Max. sample access 3 mm (use < 2.8 mm tubes)
• Sample centre 39 mm (tube longer that this)
• Resonator length 6 mm (filling height)
• CW or pulse mode (t_π/2 = 16 ns, Pmw = 18 dB)
8. (2x) X-band Dielectric Resonator (ER 4118X-MD5-w1, ~9.7 GHz, 2–323 K)
• Max. sample access 5 mm (use < 4.8 mm tubes)
• Sample centre 38 mm (tube longer that this)
• Resonator length 13 mm (filling height)
• CW or pulse mode
• Optically transparent 200 nm – 5 μm
W-band Resonator
9. W-band Pulsed ENDOR Probe (EN600-1021H TeraFlex, ~94 GHz, 4-300 K)
• Max. sample access 0.9 mm
• Resonator filling length c.a. 3 mm
• CW or pulse mode, 2x ENDOR resonators
10. W-band CW-EPR Probe (~94 GHz, 4-300 K)
Sample Preparation Laboratory

1. Schlenck line
• operating at 10^-4 mbar
• EPR tubes connectors for tubes with OD of 0.9 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.8 mm or 4 mm (allows you to take your EPR tube from i.e. a glovebox, to the vacuum line without contact to air)
2. Fume cupboard
3. Liquid nitrogen storage dewar for EPR samples
4. Storage Fridge/freezer
5. Work benches
6. Analytical balance
7. Cary60 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
8. MBraun LabStar N2 Glovebox with -30 deg. freezer, 4x BNC port

There are 2-3 OPO-LASERs at 20 Hz and 50 Hz, covering 213-2200 nm and up to 60 mJ. There are Surelite and Minilite Nd:YAG LASERs within CÆSR. For additional information, contact Dr. Kevin Henbest