
How to use CÆSR

The ESR facilities housed in the Inorganic Chemistry building at Oxford provides research opportunities for Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Pathology, Chemical Biology, Physics, and Quantum computing as described below.

Time on the machines will be allocated using the following criteria
(i)     the potential of the research to produce high-impact scientific results and publications
(ii)    the degree of innovation in the application of ESR to new research directions
(iii)   the effectiveness in attracting new faculty and young researchers into the CÆSR community
(iv)   current funding or the potential for future funding(*)

Finally, please note following point (iv) that we record usage, and based on the recorded usage, the Chemistry Financial division will make recommendations about how much science research facility (SRF) money should be allocated in your future grants.  (*)Non-departmental users from University of Oxford, non-Chemistry, must have a signed letter of agreement by the grant holder (PI) for journal transfers prior to the start of SRF usage.  (*)External users (non-Oxford) must have Purchase Order in place from their finance officials prior to each measurement session start.  External access is generally collaborative on the basis of shared expertise, but not on the basis of access to department-owned spectrometers.  Contact the Dr. Will Myers to find-out about rates or check the Chemistry Department Intranet, and we will assist you in developing a CÆSR component in your grants to accurately estimate the amount of SRF allocation.  Once you have a good estimate of the expected usage requirements from consultation with the Scientific Applications Manager, then Principle Investigators or your departmental Research Coordinator may obtain costing estimates directly from the X5 system.  The experience of several senior and mid-career academics is that grants submitted to EPSRC and BBSRC are not rejected based on having too much in SRF allocation requests. 

Use of the ESR facilities 

The research facilities make use of an X-band (~10 GHz) CW EPR spectrometer and a CW/pulse X/W band (~10 GHz/~94 GHz) EPR spectrometer. There is a dedicated ESR Chemistry Laboratory for preparing EPR samples (e.g. preparing oxygen sensitive samples, etc.).

The usual procedure for using the facilities is as follows:

  1. For each type of sample that you want to measure, make sure that you have a General Chemical COSHH Form on file in the blue binder in the office of the Scientific Applications Manager to each EPR instrument that intend to you use.  You must sign COSHH Forms for each chemical apart from a single common solvent form.  Initial spectra for characterisation purposes of stable radicals & light-induced EPR should be collected on the X-band continuous wave (CW) EPR spectrometer (Bruker EMX). A training session is provided by the EPR staff to demonstrate its operation (contact Dr Will Myers for this training). You should first collect a basic X-band CW EPR spectrum of your sample, at the desired temperature(s), to check its structure and the sample integrity, quality (see guidance on Sample Preparation), and quantify the number of spin concentration / molecular concentration. 
  2. You may then carry out further high-resolution experiments on the X-/W-band pulsed/CW instruments (E680) to characterise the sample, provided the sample is of sufficient quality. High-resolution experiments include DEER, ESEEM techniques, ENDOR, 2D-field sweeps, etc. 
    Both instruments have an associated booking scheme. The X-band CW EPR spectrometer (EMX) is available for use at short notice most times, providing a rapid way to characterise samples. For usage on the same day without prior booking, please notify the Scientific Applications manager.  The X-/W-band pulsed/CW spectrometer (E680) and the X-/Q-band spectrometer (E580) have a more restricted access since the timetable is planned monthly (but consult the timetable to see if free time exists).  A request to book instrument time outside of the monthly timetable meeting is made by sending an email to Dr Will Myers with a complete sample submission form (among other things you need to label your sample, and this label name must also be on your EPR tube, state if you need cryogens, i.e. liquid helium or nitrogen, and the resonator).
    The Measurement Timetables for both instruments can be viewed online (but you can not directly book time yourself, you must email your request).
  3. Data from the spectrometers should be downloaded for local storage. We take all care but no responsibility for your data. 

If you wish to be trained to use the E680 spectrometer (pulse instrument) and thus be able to execute pulse EPR experiments yourself, you should first discuss these requirements with your group supervisor. If they agree you should be trained, please email Dr Will Myers to explain your needs and make arrangements for training. You will be asked to undergo training even if you have hands-on experience from elsewhere, but this will be tailored accordingly.


External users working with CAESR staff may arrange to spectrometer preparations and final overnight measurements by the staff in agreement to minimize overnight accommodation costs.  If you are coming from the University of Cambridge, one option is to catch the 905 bus to Bedford and the X5 bus from Bedford to Oxford, arriving at 11-11:30 am.  Routes through London may involve several bus & train changes.

External User Accommodations

Please plan accommodations at least two weeks in advance.  If you are coming from the University of Cambridge, you might have a college affiliation in Cambridge that is linked to college of the same or a different name in Oxford.  The Oxford and Cambridge colleges may have no association with each other despite having the same name.  There are alternatives:

(1) University Rooms . com, stay in a College (link).

(2) University Club, nearby on Mansfield Road (link).

(3) If 1 & 2 don't work, stays of no more than 2 or 3 nights might be possible if the Scientific Application Manager contacts a professor in the University of Oxford with college and CÆSR affiliations to ask on the external user's behalf.  Please allow three weeks advance notice.

(4) There are several commercial hotels in the area including a Best Western on Linton Rd. among others.

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